Early Signs of Vein Disease

Varicose veins are so common that they are often thought of a cosmetic issue.

Although they may not necessarily require treatment they are indicative of an abnormality of the circulatory system. The issue with vein disease is that there is sluggish flow within these veins causing local issues. Varicose veins are not always visible, sometimes the disease is deep seated and symptoms develop where there is little to see visually. Symptoms of vein disease are a sign that there is more serious disease that may require therapy.

Signs or symptoms which may indicate that you have venous disease include the following:

  • Pain in the legs.
  • Heaviness in the legs.
  • Leg aching and muscle cramps.
  • Exercise intolerance
  • Bursting pain the calf after exercise.
  • Burning sensation calf, night cramps.
  • Itchiness in the legs.
  • Leg rash.
  • Swelling in the ankles.
  • Tightness in the legs.
  • Restlessness in the legs.
  • Bulging veins.

Patient’s often experience relief of symptoms when walking or elevating their legs.

If minor these signs and symptoms are often ignored.However it may be worth having an assessment and discussing whether any of your issues are vein related and whether this requires any treatment.

At Specialist Vein Care, Dr. Ivor Berman and his staff are specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of vein disease, utilising minimally invasive procedures.  We can discuss your particular venous issue, discuss options and create an individualised treatment plan if required.

To make an appointment today to have your venous disease assessed by Dr Berman, please phone 9561 5155.


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Specialist Vein Care in Melbourne
provides state of the art techniques in the diagnosis & treatment of varicose & spider vein diseases