In this section of venous disease we cover the what Varicose, Reticular, and Spider Veins are, and the various treatments involved with venous disease including:
Endovenous laser ablation, Ultrasound guided sclerotherapy, Ambulatory phlebectomy and microsclerotherapy, briefly explaining the uses of each.
Please download the patient information sheet below which will provide for you a comprehensive overview of these revolutionary treatments.
In addition, we provide the following:
At Specialist Vein care we are experts in the management of venous disease. If you have any concern, then please let us help! Please give us a call and make an appointment. We can discuss your particular venous issue, discuss options and create an individualised treatment plan if required. The venous disease that you have may well require reassurance only with no treatment required.
To make an appointment today to have your venous disease assessed by Dr Berman, please phone (03) 9561 5155